WONS 2004

Madonna di Campiglio
(Trento, Italy)

January 21-23, 2004

First Working Conference
Wireless On-demand Network Systems

(sponsored by IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.8)

A Distributed Algorithm for Bandwidth Allocation in Stable Ad Hoc Networks

Claude Chaudet (Insa de Lyon),
Isabelle Guerin Lassous (Inria),
Janez Zerovnik (University of Maribor)

Abstract - We propose a distributed algorithm for allocating bandwidth in stable ad hoc networks. After having discussed the problem of bandwidth allocation in such networks, we define a sequence of feasible solutions to this problem. This sequence has the property to be an increasing sequence in terms of overall used bandwidth. After a theoretical analysis of the sequence, we design a distributed algorithm based on this sequence. We test our algorithm by simulations on different topologies. Results obtained on geometric random graphs are presented here. We compare our solutions with the optimal solution in terms of global bandwidth allocation that presents the smallest standard deviation and with the the fairest solution regarding to max-min fairness. The simulations show that the global used bandwidth is less than 25% from optimality in the worst case and the standard deviation is the smallest of the three.
Published in:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems
Proceedings of WONS2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS2928, Springer 2004.

Pages 100-113

To browse the conference proceedings, please go to the Springer's LNCS2928 Page.